Term 4 Newsletter 21-22

10th May 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had a fantastic, exciting and full Spring term!

St Mary’s have participated in, Science week, World Maths Day, National Careers week, sports competitions and attended a Careers fair off site. During these events the pupils behaved impeccably making St Mary’s very proud of them and enabling us to take part in more activities in the future.

We celebrated world book day on Thursday 3rd March with the pupils dressing up as their favourite book characters, there were some incredible costumes, we obviously have some very talented parents/carers!

On Friday 18th March we had a non school uniform day to show our support for Red Nose Day and the Ukraine Appeal, we are so grateful to you all for your generosity and enabling us to raise £334.74 for Ukraine and £120 for Comic Relief, thank you.

In amongst all of these wonderful events we have celebrated this term we had an inspection visit from Ofsted for the Residential Provision followed by an Inspection in School and College just over a week later! Our pupils meet with the inspection teams during this process and we are so proud of each and everyone of them for their behaviour and showing the inspection team what wonderful young people they are!

Over the Easter break we are really pleased to be offering Easter Provision again for the first week, it will be full of fun Easter related activities for the pupils!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and to wish you a wonderful , safe and happy Easter. We look forward to welcoming the Residential pupils back in the evening of Monday 18th April and day pupils on Tuesday 19th April.

Term 4 Newsletter 21-22